Our Programs...

At Kingstones Innovative Disability Support we are extremely passionate about being able to incorporate programs into our service that not only support our members but those of our local community. With support of local community members we create programs that run within the school term. These programs focus on specific themes and outcomes but within promote; empowerment, inclusivity, positive relationships and overcoming challenges. We have has such amazing feedback from these programs and our team get so much joy and inspiration from helping them come to life. 

Kingstones On Tour


We are so excited to share with you our video of
“Kingstones On Tour”. 🥳
We are immensely grateful to all those that have supported us to make this massive goal a reality. 🫶🏽
To those that donated amazing prizes for our raffles
And to all those that purchased tickets for the Raffles we couldn’t have done this without all your tremendous love and support!!!!
Thank you to the staff at NRMA Treasure Island Holiday Resort we had such a blast and would truly recommend this to travellers of all ages!!! 😃
We hope you enjoy the video of our trip and please know that each experience we had we acknowledged the gratitude we felt that without our incredible supporters we wouldn’t have had the amazing and memorable experience that we did..
With all hearts and sending many blessings WE THANK YOU!!!!

You're The voice

Our original song HAPPINESS.
What an experience this was. We were so grateful to watch this production come together and to all the students involved we were immensely proud of each and every one them and what they brought to the program.
A massive thank you to the support workers and teachers that were so incredible throughout the whole experience.
Special Thank Yous….
Calamvale Special School we cherish all the time we get to spend with your students and staff and we are so grateful for all your support and enthusiasm for what we do.
The Team at  Greenbank Services Club for your continued supported and allowing us to use your Top Deck space to run our sessions.
The Managing director from The Street University Dee Letoa for your ongoing support with sound production.
And Osmic Productions for sound and recording equipment.
The Talented Marc and Clay for filming and video clip production.
The Managing Director Sam Luteru and his team at ADRA Community Centre Logan Central for all your ongoing love and support for Kingstones and its programs.
And to all the families and supporters of our students. To watch the growth and development of these young adults was truly inspiring and we are in awe of their achievements.
We hope you enjoy the song

Slay Your Way!!

Slay your way class of 2022 was a such a fun and full of life program. 

Trey Roberts ; Runway, style and confidence expert and Dayne Roberts; a professional international dancer and photographer- the class was in exceptional hands. 

The vision for “Slay Your Way” was to encourage all participants to feel comfortable and confident in who they are and taking them out of their comfort zone in a fun and uplifting way. 

We incorporated classes around; movement/dance, style/fashion, catwalk, hair care. 

Our friends over at Formally Ever After helped complete our overall look which was so incredible to see the students choose their outfit to “slay” the runway in. 

To see the final vision come together on the Runaway was truly inspiring and we are so grateful to our students, supporters and Greenbank Services Club for offering a space that would make the students feel like the superstars they are. 




Class of Icki 2022 was held In collaboration with Local Alternative artist Icki House of Icki. 

We were joined by students from Calamvale Special School to create a piece of artwork “The Class Supper” which was later a feature piece in Icki’s ” What ever happens… Still Happens” Art Exhibition at the Logan Art Gallery ” in April of 2023. 

Throughout the 8 class program we the students learned some fundamental art knowledge as well as being able to look into alternative art materials and be able to express themselves through the spray paint art and using alternative art tools. 

The majority of “Class Supper” was created using recycled materials. 

The program was such a fun and creative experience and a program we would love to extend on In the future. 

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Icki and the staff at Calamvale special school for all the support in helping this program become the success it was. 

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